
words can't say more

everything must go
Originally uploaded by minkminkmink
A simple yet so powerful image of devasting poverty and the spirit to still try...

Son aliens? Nope, not aliens

Originally uploaded by arlequin
Menacing green sky, red eyes watchful. So cold. Provoquing, fear, repulsion, hate. It's mezmerizing. Cuidado...

Que delicia! Scrumptious texture...

Originally uploaded by Cameno
Lushness in texture is an exquisite guide for the senses. Dejame tomarme una siesta aqui...


Originally uploaded by dontaylor
Tragedia? Drama? One plain being reaching out to the one with the beautiful red rubies. There's real longing there -- in the desperate reach. A two handed reach wanting to pull up closer, tight around the other. Que angustia...